Tesouro da igreja


Tesouro da Catedral de Trier
Fíbulas Borgonha no Tesouro de Essen. O tesouro Essen contém dezesseis dessas raras jóias do século 14.

Um tesouro da igreja é a coleção de tesouros históricos de arte pertencente a uma igreja, geralmente um mosteiro (tesouro do mosteiro), Abadia, Catedral. Esse "tesouro" é geralmente mantido e exibido no tesouro da igreja ou em um museu diocesano. Historicamente, o destaque dos tesouros da igreja era frequentemente uma coleção de relicários.

Como resultado de presentes e o desejo de adquirir artefatos sagrados, muitas igrejas ao longo dos séculos reuniram coleções valiosas e históricas de placas de altar, manuscritos iluminados de livros litúrgicos ou religiosos, bem como vestes e outras obras de arte ou itens de interesse histórico . Apesar do iconoclasma, secularismo, saques, incêndio, venda forçada de tesouros em tempos de dificuldade financeira, roubo e outras perdas, grande parte desse tesouro sobreviveu ou até foi recomprada. Muitas igrejas grandes exibem suas riquezas para os visitantes de alguma forma há séculos.

Exemplos e museus de importantes tesouros de igreja e catedral


Salzburg Cathedral MuseumImperial Treasury in der Hofburg Palace, ViennaCathedral museum in the cathedral church of St. Stephen of Vienna, also called St. Stephen's Cathedral.

República Checa:

Treasury of St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague


Most cathedrals have treasuries, though these generally lack the medieval metalwork of continental treasuries, which did not survive the Reformation. The exceptions to this include:Canterbury CathedralLincoln CathedralDurham Cathedral


Cathedral Notre-Dame de ParisCathedral-Basilica of Saint-DenisCathedral of Reims, in Palace of Tau


Relicário dos altares abandonados do coral leste em Essen Minster, datado de 1054
Aachen Cathedral TreasureDiocesan Museum, Bamberg, formerly the cathedral treasure of Bamberg CathedralTreasure of Brunswick Cathedral, very much later called the Welf Treasure, since 1928 largely soldEssen Cathedral TreasureHalberstadt Cathedral TreasureHildesheim Cathedral Museum (Cathedral treasure and diocesan museum)Cathedral Treasury, CologneCathedral and Diocesan Museum, Mainz with treasury in St. Nicholas' ChapelDiocesan Museum, Osnabrück with the cathedral treasureArchepiscopal Diocesan Museum and Treasury, PaderbornCathedral Treasury and Diocesan Museum, PassauSpeyer Cathedral Treasure in the Historical Museum of the PalatinateQuedlinburg Cathedral TreasureBishopric Museums, RegensburgTrier Cathedral TreasuryWürzburg Cathedral TreasureStift Museum, Xanten, previously the Xanten Cathedral Treasury (Domschatzkammer Xanten)- also the cathedrals of Bautzen, Eibingen, Merseburg, Minden, Naumburg etc


Bozen Cathedral TreasureBrixen Cathedral TreasureMonza Cathedral, with the Iron Crown of Lombardy, the Late Antique ivory Poet and Muse diptych, of about 500, as well as several of the small metal 6th century Monza ampullaeTroia Cathedral Treasure (planned to be transferred to the diocesan museum)Monreale Cathedral, important church treasurePalermo Cathedral, treasure includes the crown of Empress Constance of AragonTreasury of St Mark's Basilica, Venice, famous for its collection of Byzantine lootSt Peter's, Rome, and many other Roman churches


Church treasure of Saint Servatius Basilica, Maastricht


Braga Cathedral Treasure


El Escorial


Basle Münster Treasure

Veja também



Lucas Burkart: Das Blut der Märtyrer. Genese, Bedeutung und Funktion mittelalterlicher Schätze. Böhlau, Cologne, 2009, ISBN 978-3-412-20104-3